I have been given a blog award! I am so excited about this!!! I feel so proud. My friend, Madison, gave me this award. Isn't she a beauty? Like many fellow bloggers out there, I started off very small, with only pics and updates of my little man. I had no idea how addicting this would become. I mean, I have a captive audience now! (Well, at least in my mind!) I joined SITS which lead to so many wonderful connections for me. I feel like I have a friend on the other end of this keyboard. I have become inspired by many different women from all over the world. Despite our geographical location, we have many similarities. This just reminds me of what a BIG God we serve. Now, I would like to extend the kindness of this award to other blogs I admire and enjoy. Hopefully, you too, will be as encouraged as I have been by these women.
Jesus Loves Mums
More Than Words
Lemonade Makin' Mama
Singing in the Rain
The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Then pay it forward! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Thank you so much!! I have never gotten one before! :)
Have a great day!
Hi and thank you very much! I haven't had an award either and am so touched by this. Many thanks.
Collette xxx
Congrats on your award!
Hi Katy!! Thank you so much for thinking of me to pass this on too!! I will gladly take it!! :)
Have a blessed day!!
Congrats! Much deserved! :)
Oh Katy, youa re so sweet to pass this on to me! Thank you so much...
I am just home and attempting to unpack... I have so missed my little blog world the past few days.
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