Saturday, July 4, 2009

Alabama Accent

From Montgomery, AL to Mrs. Montgomery

“Thank You”

Summer is upon us. Visions of swimming, eating ice cream and staying up late are associated with this time of year. We indulge in BBQs, picnics and vacations. We enjoy these luxuries that have been provided for us. In our state of fulfillment, we often forget how we came to enjoy such a life.

America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have heard these words too many times to remember. They are sang at the openings of baseball games, football games and rodeos. They are played as massive fireworks explode, filling the night sky. Our heads are held high and our chests extend, displaying our pride in this land that we love. We live everyday reaping the fruits of the labor that was sown before us.

This weekend many of us will enjoy shooting fireworks. We will watch our children's faces light up with excitement. We will have fun being together celebrating this great nation. We are an independent nation, made strong by those that have sacrificed. As we enjoy this great life that has been made available to us, we will pause to say thank you to those that paved the way.

1 comment:

maggs said...

Lets give a round of applause! Because that was Excellent! I love reading what u write! u are sooooo good at this Sisi!