Friday, January 8, 2010


O.K. I've noticed that some really talented people read my blog. People whom I use their blogs to gather valuble information. Instead of spending countless more hours in PSE, I decided I would ask for help. This pic is nice, but needs help. I have already enhanced his eyes. What I would really like to do is calm down that glare. You see it? It's huge! It drives me nuts! It just needs to soften a bit. You know what I mean? I have tried selecting the area and played with brightness, contrast, and every other option under lighting I could find. But those were OBVIOUSLY not what I needed. That only changed the color of the glare area and distorted its proportion to the rest of his skin tone. I know there is some way that is oh-so-simple. So I'm calling calf rope (a term I recently heard for the 1st time and learned its meaning), and asking for help.


Unknown said...

okay Katy...I am NOT one of those talented people you speak of LOL but i gotta say you have a very handsome man on your hands!

LeAnna said...

Gotta admit, those glares are some of the hardest to correct (from what little I know, someone else might have the secret!). I'll play around and see if I can come up with anything. ;)

LeAnna said...

Not having much luck with the glare, but a great way to make the eyes pop is to use the Coffee Shop eyebright action. It defines and brightens the eyes to whatever intensity you want.

LAC said...

Have you tried adjusting the levels of the entire image? I've also found running a vintage action can tame some brightness.

Katy Montgomery said...

Shutterbug8162-thank you for the tips. I will sure try that. I never even thought of the vintage action. I keep trying to visit you when you comment, but it will not let me access your profile. You've given me some really good tips each time you comment-thank you!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could help...I am slowly learning PSE myself. ;)

Debbie said...

Katy it is simply amazing how much Charlie looks like Grand Daddy here. Made me wanna cry! I know Daddy would have been SO proud!

Amy Kirkland said...

Ok, Katy. I have played around with your picture a bit. I just did a variety of things, nothing special. However, I don't have your email to send you the pics. Need to get them to you!!! amyk

prashant said...

I'll play around and see if I can come up with anything

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