Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Alabama Accent
From Montgomery, AL to Mrs. Montgomery

“Just One More Month!”

Greetings card have all been sent and the Christmas rush is through. Santa has visited our homes and left his mark on our storage capacities. Hearts are hurting as families are separated to return to the normalcy of life. Belts are loosened to allow for all the traditional goodies. Now what?

I am one of those people. You know, those people that continue to play Christmas music, continue to burn apple cinnamon scented candles, continue to leave their tree up and lights on. That's me! I hate saying goodbye to Christmas! So many things come to life during Christmas. Lifetime changes to Falala Lifetime and Christmas songs are played continuously on the radio. Emptiness hits as I turn on the TV to find that Falala Lifetime has ended. No more cheesy movies that gather our attention long enough to see them through. I rummage through my CDs to select a few to listen to while on the road.

I love the colorful touch surrounding my windows allowed by my Christmas lights. I love walking through the house in the night guided by the lights from the tree. Each year it all ends too soon for me. I long for just one more month!

My sister loves to see my Christmas decorations each year. With the separation that lies between us, this has proven difficult. Usually, she settles for pictures. This year however, she will return to Texas: to live! Uncertain of her arrival date, she has requested that I leave ALL of my Christmas decorations as is. As of now, sometime in February has been scheduled. So, my house will remain aglow with the Christmas Spirit until Bug graces us with her presence! My longing for just one more month may turn into two!


Anonymous said...

I always think that December 26th is the most depressing day of the year! ;)
However, I don't leave my tree up any longer...we always have a real one and I get sick of picking up pine needles!

maggs said...

AW really enjoyed this :) loved the last line!!!! im soooo happy that i will get to see all ur decorations and u will get to enjoy them a lil longer yourself while countin down the days till i arrive... o wat a wonderful day that will be! :) love u bunches xoxo

Kelli said...

Finally had time to find your blog. Love this piece. I am the EXACT SAME WAY!! If I had an excuse I would have left mine up until February too!! I'm so happy for you and Charlie and Seth. I love this bloggin thing.... I look forward to checking in on you guys!