I made a white chocolate amaretto cheesecake that Daddy just loved! He almost ate the ENTIRE thing in ONE sitting! Charlie wanted some too, of course. So, Daddy being Daddy (you know Daddies have their own way of doing things) let Charlie eat the cake just how he wanted. This was all that Daddy would let him have! He loved that cheesecake so much! I must find that mix and make another one so we ALL can try it-for real, not just a tease piece!
I just love these curls. The discussion has come up, on more than one ocassion, about THE 1st HAIRCUT. My only hesistation is that these precious curls will dissapear!
Charlie has a new obsession with his blanky! Before he even lets me get him out of his crib, he reaches down for his blanky, picks it up and says "eh." You know, like, "Eh, aren't you going to get this?" Then, I put it on my shoulder and he loves on it some with his cheeks and we are good to go. He doesn't want it for awhile after that!

Oh wait til summer comes to cut the hair - Charlie needs it for warmth! (Just keep telling Seth that, OK?) After you do that, boom, he matures overnight!
Oh yeah - find that box, cuz I'd like some next week myself!
o his hair is soooo adorable, his curls are rly comin on out! yay lol we both may hate our curly hair but i love it on him! just plain cute :)
O plz plz plz make some cheese cake for my arrival lol it looks and sound delish!!!! I love how seth gave charlie a whittle bitty piece lol and no eating utensil lol boys will be boys!
After you do that, boom, he matures overnight!
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