Friday, August 14, 2009

Bug's Blessing!

Take comfort, my dear sister, in the words: The Lord will guide you continually. Not only does He promise to do this, but look at what follows! What a refreshing promise we have in our God! I know your heart hurts. I know you grow weary at times. Need a break? Need some soul shine? Turn to our Father's word and be refreshed!

We can have full confidence that we will be taken care of and renewed when we trust in our God. Have you seen a garden in need of water? It longs to drink! When it receives its precious vitality, it bursts forth with beauty and continuity. It can go on. It can survive. It can thrive.

God is our water and we have His word that He will provide and we will not fail. Be encouraged my beloved!


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

girl, of COURSE you can pass on my idea. I am glad you liked it!!

Thanks for the sweet comments today. I needed that!! :)

Have a wonderful weekend.

Amy said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today. I love your header. What a great picture.

Anonymous said...

Loved this post! Thanks for droping by my blog!I always enjoy comments =o) I look forward to following your blog!! you have a beautiful little family!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

That is lovely! And what wise words too! I did make that button by the way but it was really easy.
Collette xxxx

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

That is lovely! And what wise words too! I did make that button by the way but it was really easy.
Collette xxxx

Missy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I need this reminder on occasion.

maggs said...

i loved this one Sisi and it rly hit home. I have a tear rolling down my cheek as i write this. Thank you so much for being my guide, role model and my guardian angel. I love u so much and am so grateful to have a sis like u. And i want to thank u for always believing in me, remember it is because of u that i am a strong, growing Christian! thanks again Sisi:)