Wow, time has flown by! We have had so much fun being Charlie's parents. Charlie is growing into such a big, handsome boy. He is just so precious. He is so mobile now and is constantly on the go. He loves to pull up on anything he can. I love when he pulls up on my pants and looks up at me, reaching for me to hold him. How can I say no to that? He has stood a few times on his own, but when he realizes it, he sits himself down. He has worn his first pair of shoes-not a fan. He continues to crawl around everywhere. He is so speedy with this. We love to hear the pitter patter of him coming. He loves to run with Mommy or Daddy holding his hands and running behind him. He LOVES to climb. He tries to climb on everything that supports him. He has explored a lot of new foods. We discovered that he does not like rice! He's so funny: if he does not like a food, he just stretches his tongue out until the food falls off. He also does this when he's had enough food. He really doesn't like baby food any more. He loves to eat what Mommy and Daddy are eating. He continues to receive bottle feedings. These are my favorite times and I am not ready to give them up. He's not a fan of his high chair, but likes it there once he is distracted and has food to eat. He is getting good a feeding himself. He is also very good at throwing food. His friendship with da boys grows. The other day I sat Charlie on the ground while I was watering and I saw Elvis come up to him. He laid over on his stomach and Charlie leaned over and pet him. Then he tried to taste him and I had to separate them. I am pleasantly surprised at how gentle Elvis is with him. Charlie continues to take two naps during the day. Getting him to sleep is a challenge. Once he figures out that he is going to sleep, he fights it pretty hard. He loves to explore new things and has had a great opportunity to do that with all the new toys he has gotten. He loves to scatter number and letter magnets off of the refrigerator. He loves to swim and is so aggressive with it. He has 6 teeth. Four on the top and two on the bottom. He says "Da Da," "Ma Ma," "Ga Ga," "Ba Ba," "Na Na," He is making some "T" noises. He can blow and make a host of other sounds. His new love is head butting. Not looking forward to this one! He is a cuddler, a snuggler and a BIG laugher! He has for sure stolen our hearts. My little sweet thing is growing up. He is no longer a baby, but a pre toddler. In no time, he will be walking around and then chasing us. I know such much more fun lies ahead of us. Thank you Lord for allowing us to have our son. We have treasured watching him transform and pray that we will continue to have this blessing. WE LOVE OUR CHARLIE!

And I've loved every minute of being his "grandma" this year. I look forward to all the new things which are in store for us all in this next year. Every day is a new day with surprises and things to learn. I'm SO glad you're taking the time to bask in these "one-of-a-kind" baby steps in Charlie's life. Hugs.......
You have a beautiful family. One is a fun age---well, they all are, but one is special! I love your blog. I'll be back:) (I am thankful for the Conservative uprising as well.)
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