Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Say Hello To My New Friend!

I am so excited about my new friend! She's been a long time coming! She's the latest Cannon: the Rebel T1i! I have spent all my spare time reading about her and trying to learn her as fast as I can. I will be photographing Kim and Laurie's wedding, next weekend, and want to know how to use her! Test shots will soon follow! I think I'm in love!


Kathryn said...

Beautiful camera! I am sure you are having tons of fun using it! We want to get something to similar to that, but we need to save up some money first! Hope you are doing well! :)

Debbie said...

Ahhhhh so there's the culprit! Was wondering when you'd get back to us out here who check in several times a day!

Brooke said...

Lucky ducky...I'd love to have one! I can't wait to see some pictures that you take with it!

Denise @ Life on Stepping Stone Lane said...

Aren't you the lucky one!! Have fun with her!!!

Disney said...

Ohhh I'm so jealous!! I keep buying cheap cameras and they keep breaking! I would die for something like that.