This was so cute! He got this book, then decided to walk around with it with his eyes closed! No, he never did run into to anything! His guardian angel was holding steadfast!
It's that time of year again! I have written about a wonderful tradition my aunt started for me years ago. It began with a calendar of chocolates and escalated into so much more! We attempted to identify a season for the advent calendar to end, but just never could part with it. So, it has grown into a Montgomery family tradition now extending beyond the borders of me to my husband and child! It's good to have an Aunt Melissa! I don't know why I didn't think to take pictures every night of Charlie opening his gifts. I missed out on great opportunities to share this magic with yall. I am playing catch up! I threw in some extras for the cuteness factor!
cute factor X's 10!!!! Love those PJs
Those pjs are too cute, and it cracks me up he walked around with his eyes closed! LOL!
You can certainly tell he's a happy little guy. Aunt Melissa makes Christmas so much fun!
Love his pj's! I have had the hardest time finding Christmas pj's!
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