Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MckLinky Blog Hop: Why You Should Read My Blog.

You should read my blog because it is an excellent way to know about my life. In my blog, my thoughts, frustrations, pictures and memories are shared. I also feel that it is important to make a stand for what I think is good and true for our country. I blog about what I feel is important in preserving or exposing to ensure that my America will be here for my son and his children. In my blog, you will find some of the current events, that our main stream media does not publish, that I feel are worthy enough to educate others on. I enjoy receiving encouragement from others and learning about their lives as well. It is my goal in whatever I do, to glorify God. Though I often fail in this task, I continue to strive. You should read my blog because I enjoy reading other blogs and expanding my blogging community!!!


love lives in the kitchen said...

Hello Katy! I like the way you present your blog and agree that we should read it :)
wish you a great Wednesday!

Loriann said...

Hey Katy,
You are doing a great job! Keep working hard.
What an encouragement you are to others.
Much Love and Prayers, Lori

Debbie said...

You go girlie, girlie! You're an amazing woman!

VSH said...

You're doing a great job, keep up the good work. I'm enjoying reading about your "little family". Charlie is adorable!

love lives in the kitchen said...

dear Katy,
thank you for your lovely comments! for the chocolate cake it's really small so no worries for the diet! it's really delicious belive me!
for cyclamens they just love winter cold but here in italy the temperaure is very rarely lover than 0... where i'm from (in warsaw) it's impossible to keep them in winter, too cold.. however, last year we had some snow here in milan and the temperatures was lower than 0 for few days. even so anything happened to cyclamens! you should try to keep maybe few of them (or even one) just to try their resistence. then, if they survive, in april when the blossoming period is over, keep them in a dark and dry place without water until next september. in september take them outside nad start to water again. some of my cyclamens alrady have 4-5 yeras and they are still blossoming! if there is something more you need to know just ask! i will be happy to help!
wish you a great day!
hugs, justyna