Thursday, September 3, 2009


Here is the close up of the Hydrangea bloom. You can also see what they look like when they are done!


Debbie said...

What great pics! I can really tell the difference in Betsy and your other camera. I'm excited about where Betsy is going to take you!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

lovely photos hope you are enjoying your new toy!
Collette xxxx

Amber said...

Great pics! I love these flowers, the red ones especially :)

VSH said...

Maggie gave me this address when she was home.
I've enjoyed looking at the pics and seeing how Charlie has changed. I showed Gran, too since she doesn't get to see you very often. She loves to get pics from you.

Vashti said...

I love hibiscus flowers we have a huge red one in my garden here in SOuth Africa. stunning. I also LOVE your camera, you take great photos! and the arch at the wedding was beautiful.
thanks for the comment you left on my blog.Have a great day.