Monday, September 14, 2009

Making your home sing Mondays

And just like is Monday. We are blessed to spend another week in our bliss. Last night, my husband's laptop crashed, so I ask your prayers for his sanity. He performed "surgery" all night and had to shake his head, put his hand on its shoulder and tell him goodbye. It was a sad moment, I am sure. I was in bed. As I was drifting off to sleep, I could hear him chanting for his friend to fight back and survive. Deep in my role as supportive wife, I will validate this loss. Our home will be in morning to pay our respects. Charlie and I will hug Daddy when he gets home and give him our condolences. I will utilize my computer more and allow Daddy more time with his desktop. He will need it, you know, to prove that he has another machine that loves and obeys him. My poor, poor husband. These are difficult times for him.

A few Sundays ago, our preacher spoke about being transparent. I found a lot of truth in what he said. He talked about the various methods of communication we have nowadays, with Facebook, Myspace, and some other ones that I am uneducated on. On these sites, one can enter their mood. He made a point about being transparent in that if we hide who we are, others cannot see what God is doing in us. If we are transparent, then others can see the work God is doing in us. I should add here that by saying transparent, I mean having a window view into our lives. If I only blog about "smily face" things in my life, then I hide my struggles and hide what God has done with those struggles. Struggles are a major apportunity to display God's power. In efforts to make my home and my blog home sing, I will provide a truer picture of my life!


momstheword said...

What a lovely post! This is so true. If we try and act like we have it altogether, and never share or show our faults, then we can make others feel so alone in their own struggles.

Especially if they are our children. It's good for our kids to know that we aren't perfect and they don't have to be either. We can just turn it over to the Lord and let Him work in us (and them).

Thank you for joining up today and my sincere sympathies to dear hubby in the loss of his computer!

Debbie said...

This is great Katy, and just another step in your walk with Christ! Wonderful!

On a different note, there are two squares on your blog with an X in the upper left-hand corner and you have to open the links vs being able to see them and just click on them. Thought you might wanna know.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Your poor hubby!!! Mine would be devastated too if his decided to give up on him!

This is excellent Katy and so true. We need to be honest and share our struggles with each other.

Thank you for a wonderful reminder.

Anonymous said...

Katy, I saw where you made a comment on Jen (Johnson) McShea's blog asking about Season. I know you're not on Facebook, but Season is and we chat somewhat regularly. She's doing great. She's married and living in Dalton, GA working for Shaw. She has the most adorable red-headed little boy. He's about 17 mos old now. (this is my little plug again for you to join FB.....there are a TON of our sorority sisters and campus outreach folks that are on and it's great reconnecting with them all and seeing their beautiful families.)

Kathryn said...

Aww I am sorry about your husband's computer! I totally know how that whole thing goes! It really stinks!

Sounds like it was a good message and very true! Hope you are doing well! :)

Unknown said... is the key to other's hearts. God uses us in our vulnerability and honors our truth! The last 2 years of my life have been living proof. And God has grown REAL relationships out of the mess that is sometimes my life. I LOVE that about him!

And, oh the woes of men and their husband is truly addicted to his laptop. Guards it with his life! Hope the mourning period is over at your house!