Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy 6 Months Charlie!

I can't believe that Charlie is already 6 months! This time is slipping away too fast. He is the cutest thing we have ever seen. His little personality is really developing. He remains such a happy baby, a blessing we enjoy so much. He is getting really good at babbling. He talks quite frequently. He can say "Da da." He likes to say "Na na." I am working so hard at getting him to say "Ma ma," but have been unsuccessful. He likes to blow bubbles and chew on his tongue. He loves to hold his feet. It's so cute. When he is on his back, his legs hardly lay down anymore. He loves to smile and make new friends. He can ALMOST sit on his own. He rolls all over the place now. He loves chewing on his fingers, Mommy and Daddy's fingers, burp cloths, blankets and chew toys. He likes to chew on his clothes while I am dressing him. He eats baby food now. After I introduced him to it, he lost interest in cereal. He is really good at holding his rattlers and loves to shake them. He loves to stand. He is getting really good at stepping with Mommy and Daddy's help. He has discovered that he can grab Mommy's hair and pull! He doesn't spend much time on his tummy anymore, instead he rolls around. He loves to bounce in his jumparoo. He is growing so quickly and becoming more and more of a delight for us. He giggles often and smiles at everyone. Just thinking about him brightens our day. We remain so blessed.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

What a sweet time that was. Thank you SO much for bringing the sunshine at such a rainy time in our lives!