Saturday, June 19, 2010

Puffy Clouds!

White balance for incadescent lighting. It gives off a blue hue, obviously, to balance the yellow/orange hue the incadescent light gives off.

White balance for daylight.

White blanace for flourescent light.

White balance for cloudy, which adds a warming filter.

I switched back to daylight as I decided it fit this shot the best.
I am bad about forgetting about the white balance, an effect that is crucially important. I am training myself to keep it on auto, just in case I fire one of those once in a lifetime shots without checking all of my settings. I prefer to set it myself as the white balance can completely change the look of a picture.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Georgious! It never ceases to amaze me how different your sky is from ours here in the east!