Always in motion!
I love this face of his! He's so curious when I have my camera out! I was using a prime lense here, so I couldn't adjust the focal length. You can also see that I was using a wide aperture, thus the shallow depth of field.
Everything is worth exploring!
The fun of being a child!
What a shot! See that spot on the back of his right calf? That is not a burn. It is a mesquito bite! I thought it was a spider bite, so much so that we made a trip to the doctor. It looks so much better here.
The poor kid. He's just not happy! Forgive the mess, we went to Sams and I have not put everything up yet!
I just love the scalloped bottom!
I love this outfit. I love the way it gives Charlie a pear shape! Yall should know I am married to a manly man. There is nothing metrosexual about hubby. Having said that, he thinks that outfits such as this one look like dresses, and that is what he calls them...dresses. You can imagine his excitement when he learned Charlie would be wearing this to church. In his good nature, he just grins and bears it. Hubby figures that he will have his turn when Charlie is older, as that is just what I have told him. I only have this one window to do this to him and I intend on using it to the fullest! Hubby said he was asked, by more than one person, this morning if this outfit was for a boy or girl.